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Title: Understanding Pastoral Women's Work: An Exploratory Study
Authors: Kaur, Gurpreet
Saee, Pawar
Kumari, Pawna
Keywords: Patoralism
Women's Work
Issue Date: Aug-2022
Publisher: Institute of Social Studies Trust
Description: 'Understanding Pastoral Women's work' is an exploratory study, that has tried to un​pack the complexity of invisibility- one of pastoralism at large and two, specifically of pastoral women from multiple discourses and also pastoralism itself. The attempt has been to understand pastoral women’s work in its multiple meanings, which has a direct link to their interactions with the ecosystems women move in and inhabit in ‘movement’. It has also been an effort to understand the role of ecological interactions of pastoral women (and pastoral community at large) in shaping the understanding of work. The conduits to understand this were two things- one the increased pressures of sedentarization within the pastoral community, due to the trajectories in development, tourism, ecological changes etc. and two the increased reliance on NTFP and relationship which women have with the ecosystem through Non Timber Forest Produce (NTFP). The study was located in the Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh and we interacted with pastoralists belonging to Gaddi, Kanet (Rajput) and (Hindu) Gujjar pastoral communities. The study builds on qualitative, collaborative and participatory methods to engage with not just pastoral women but also pastoral community at large (including older men and youth). The findings inform us how the understanding of a pastoral woman’s labour is intrinsically tied to the question of the body, which is also seeing changes because of a changing society as well as changes in the ecosystem. At the same time, changing bodies and changing notions of labour keep their identities in a continuous process of transition. This complexity of women’s work doesn’t find space in the counting of work. Therefore, the study pushes for a broader understanding of women's work beyond urban theoretical frameworks, through the complexity provided by pastoralism and pastoral women's lives.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1651
Appears in Collections:Reports

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