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dc.contributor.authorAndharia, Jahnvi [Ed]-
dc.contributor.authorSudarshan, Ratna M-
dc.descriptionGet your copy now for a contribution of Rs.500 only! 1. Scan the QR code to make payment 2. Take a screenshot of the payment made 3. Write to us at and attach the screenshot of the payment with the following details – Name, Email, Shipment address, Phone. No. And name of the organisation you’re associated with. en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST) was founded on the understanding that sustained efforts were needed to build evidence on women's work and engage with mainstream economists to recognise the work and the value of the work that women do. Over the past four decades, ISST has challenged traditional economic theories and data collection methodologies that marginalised or overlooked women's contributions, reshaping narratives around labour, productivity and women's economic agency. This book not only reflects on ISST's institutional achievements but also serves as a testament to the enduring relevance of feminist thought in shaping the contemporary discourse on gender-transformative approaches to social justice, particularly through the lens of women in informal work. This book reflects the collective effort and dedication of many. We invite you to read through the articles by Rajib Nandi, Dr. Monika Banerjee, Anweshaa Ghosh, Mubashira Zaidi, Dr. Shiney Chakraborty , Ayesha Datta, Abhishek Sekharan, Ashmeet Bilkhu, Ratna M. Sudarshan, Jahnvi Andharia, and Shraddha Chigateri – all of whom have been co- travellers with ISST. en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Social Studies Trusten_US
dc.subjectISST 40 Year Booken_US
dc.subjectWomen and Worken_US
dc.subjectWomen Informal Employmenten_US
dc.subjectWorker Identityen_US
dc.subjectUnpaid Worken_US
dc.subjectChildcare and Women Worken_US
dc.subjectHome Based Workeren_US
dc.subjectCircular Migrationen_US
dc.titleMaking Women's Work Visible- a 40-year Legacyen_US
Appears in Collections:Reports

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